Rudyard kipling law of the jungle
Rudyard kipling law of the jungle

Правоведение, законоведение, юриспруденция administrative law business law canon law civil law commercial law constitutional law copyright law corporate law criminal law family law feudal law international law Islamic law labor law maritime law marriage law military law natural law patent law private law public law Roman law substantive law law merchant law school Syn: jurisprudenceģ) профессия юриста to read/study law ≈ изучать право, учиться на юриста to practise law ≈ быть юристомĤ) суд, судебный процесс to go to law ≈ подать в суд Ħ) а) (the law) разг. It is against the law to smoke in an elevator.

Rudyard kipling law of the jungle